About Us

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Passages Behavioral Health Services was founded out of need to service mentally ill, co-occurring, correctional clients seeking a second chance. Our 40 years of clinical experience has prepared us to do this work which includes providing case management, Community Living Suppports (CLS), clinical assessment, treatment planning and more. Passages Behavioral Health also manages re-entry housing for this population know as the Passages House. We provide a service that not only bridges folks to another chance but helps maintain their progress in the community.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Are you filled with sadness, fear, self-hatred, ruminating thoughts, negativity and more? Do you feel like things are never going to get any better?

"What is the point if I lost my job, lost my best friend, lost my freedom, lost my partner.....? I can't seem to pull myself out of this, no one really care and I feel so helpless...."

Are you wake at night thinking about all the things going on in your life, What you said, what you should have said, what you want to say, what you want to do? All the reasons that life it just too unbearable to continue....

We want to know all of this but what I REALLY want to know is what keeps you alive? This is just as important as your pain. What are your dreams, what are you connected to? Who do you love and why? What inside you keeps you going?

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary or transient problem. Life will change!!!!! There is no doubt about that...Make a choice, seek help. Depression and suicidal thoughts are VERY treatable. You can get help. You can feel better. Seek help now. 1-800-SUICIDE or local mental health center near you.

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