Provided by: FORBESWritten by: Rebecca Ruiz, Mar. 10, 2009
The recession has forced Americans to cut back on everything from health care to groceries. According to the results of a poll released Monday, it's also driving them to give up a precious commodity that doesn't cost a cent: sleep.
More than a quarter of 1,000 Americans randomly polled by the National Sleep Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes a greater understanding of sleep and health, reported that the economy had disturbed their sleep at least a few nights a week.
Personal finances, unemployment and health care costs are among the troubles keeping people awake. The percentage of Americans experiencing economy-related insomnia may have worsened since the telephone poll was conducted over a month-long period beginning in late September.
In Depth: Nine Ways To Conquer Insomnia
The fact that Americans are sleeping less is unsurprising; the National Sleep Foundation has been documenting the dwindling hours of shut-eye for the past decade. The increasing number of sleep aid prescriptions is also telling. In 2008, 56.3 million prescriptions were filled, a 7% growth from 2007, according to IMS Health, a health care information company.
"Sleep is a barometer of life," says Dr. Meir Kryger, chairman of the board for the National Sleep Foundation. People suffering from severe sleep problems, he says, often fail to recognize the very simple reasons they can't drift off peacefully. Anxiety born of economic woes is a major factor, but so are sleep disorders and bad habits like an unpredictable schedule, performing late-night tasks and even staying in bed when it's impossible to fall asleep.
What it Means Not to Sleep
At least 40 million Americans experience chronic sleep disorders, according to the National Institutes of Health, which recommends that adults get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. The National Sleep Foundation's poll shows that Americans routinely fall short of this goal, sleeping an average of six hours and 40 minutes per week night.
Sleep debt has a profound impact on a person's ability to function, says Dr. Carol Ash, medical director for Sleep for Life, a New Jersey-based sleep laboratory. Research has shown that it impairs judgment, focus, memory and reaction times. Eighteen hours of consecutive wakefulness is the equivalent of a blood alcohol level of .08%. The effects of sleep deprivation are cumulative, meaning that several nights of disturbed sleep can compound the ill effects of missed sleep.
There are the classic signs of sleep loss, including irritability, anxiety and depression, but less obvious, says Ash, are diminished problem-solving skills. The sleep-deprived may try pushing through fatigue to get their jobs done or developing last-minute solutions to urgent crises (think Congress). That's often the worst approach for the sleep-deprived to take.
"You'll be able to do mundane tasks," Ash says, "but you'll really start to fail when you have to think outside of the box."
Simple Sleep Solutions
With the exception of disorders that like apnea or narcolepsy, most sleep issues are caused by stress and bad habits. Spending a few nights awake, besieged by worries or because you're trying to return e-mails just before bed, for example, can teach the body a routine that is not conducive to sleep.
Dr. Eric Powell, director of research at the Clayton Sleep Institute in Missouri, often tells insomniacs to get out of bed. It sounds counterintuitive, but the strategy is based on research that has shown efforts to force the body to sleep only breed frustration.
When that cycle of sleep-related stress begins, he says, it can be hard for patients to identify obvious reasons for their insomnia. These frequently include an unpredictable schedule, a noisy or brightly lit sleeping environment or the lack of a nightly ritual. In other cases, sleep disturbances are related to a chronic disease. Diabetics, for example, experience increased discomfort as a result of damage to the nerves in the feet and legs.
Experts say that the sleep-deprived should seek professional help when the problem becomes chronic and self-imposed remedies fail. At that point, treatment may require prescription medicine or therapy.
When counseling patients affected by the economy, Kryger reminds them that the recession will pass. Tuning out anxiety not only aids with the coping process, it's also necessary for moving on.
Showing up at an interview looking ragged won't impress, he says. If nothing else, "you need your sleep to get another job."
About Us
- Kathlene B. LaCour and Craig S. Judd
- Passages Behavioral Health Services was founded out of need to service mentally ill, co-occurring, correctional clients seeking a second chance. Our 40 years of clinical experience has prepared us to do this work which includes providing case management, Community Living Suppports (CLS), clinical assessment, treatment planning and more. Passages Behavioral Health also manages re-entry housing for this population know as the Passages House. We provide a service that not only bridges folks to another chance but helps maintain their progress in the community.
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