About Us

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Passages Behavioral Health Services was founded out of need to service mentally ill, co-occurring, correctional clients seeking a second chance. Our 40 years of clinical experience has prepared us to do this work which includes providing case management, Community Living Suppports (CLS), clinical assessment, treatment planning and more. Passages Behavioral Health also manages re-entry housing for this population know as the Passages House. We provide a service that not only bridges folks to another chance but helps maintain their progress in the community.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sticks and Stones

Abuse of any kind can have long-term detrimental effects on us. Physical and sexual abuse incidents frequently gain the most media attention. Emotional, psychological and economic abuse consequences are less obvious but the damage done is equally insidious and long-lasting. Researchers at Florida State University in Tallahassee report that repeated verbal abuse from parents can contribute to depression and anxiety that lasts well into adulthood. "Those who were verbally abused had 1.6 times as many symptoms of depression and anxiety as those who had not been verbally abused and were twice as likely to have suffered a mood or anxiety disorder in their lifetime," study author Natalie Sachs-Ericsson, an FSU professor, said in a prepared statement. Poor self-esteem triggered by verbal abuse during childhood continues into adulthood, allowing the symptoms of anxiety and depression to settle, the researchers said. But, they added, therapy offers hope for these victims.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps people replace their self-critical, irrational thoughts with more affirming, positive thinking. CBT has shown remarkable positive outcomes in reframing people’s thoughts, challenging and impacting their beliefs, altering their emotional and behavioral responses and ultimately reshaping a once damaged personal self-esteem.

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