About Us

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Passages Behavioral Health Services was founded out of need to service mentally ill, co-occurring, correctional clients seeking a second chance. Our 40 years of clinical experience has prepared us to do this work which includes providing case management, Community Living Suppports (CLS), clinical assessment, treatment planning and more. Passages Behavioral Health also manages re-entry housing for this population know as the Passages House. We provide a service that not only bridges folks to another chance but helps maintain their progress in the community.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


In relationships there is this intermingling that occurs. A giving and taking a joining in pain, sorrow and happiness. Are you feeling controled in your relationship?

This artwork by Tim Sabados. Check out his website for more of his art.

Contact Us if your relationships have become so tangled that you need some help to smooth out the rough spots.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

6 Tips on what it takes to have a healthy relationship?

Research indicates that many of us think that being with someone is better than being alone. Relationships are a very important part of our lives; we are social creatures and enjoy the company of others. Relationships provide us with are much joy and at times, pain. It is when people struggle in relationships that they seek understanding.

Research indicates that people wait way too long before seeking help. Don’t put it off! The longer you wait the increased possibility of continued damage to the relationship. (Gottman, 1999)
BE GENTLE - Treat your partner with love, acceptance and respect. Be gentle in your tone, facial expressions and verbal speech.
VALIDATE – Put yourself in your partner’s shoes. Express your genuine thankfulness for the relationship and affirm your strengths as individuals and as a couple.
TAKE IT EASY – Don’t take things so seriously. If the garbage wasn’t taken out for the 3rd week in a row, discuss it but choose to do it with ease and a light heart instead of blaming and using words like “always and never”. These are irrational and damaging to a relationship.
EDIT YOURSELF – As couples become more comfortable with each other they have a tendency to say the first things that come to their mind. Think about what you are going to say before you say it and how it might be perceived by your partner. (Gottman, 1999)
SEX – Have sex on a regular basis. Make it a priority in your life and relationship. Research indicates couples who have sex frequently and arguments infrequently are happier.

It seems that relationships are what create the most happiness in our lives as well as most struggles. We can give you the tools you need to get through these difficult times. Get help now don’t wait until it’s too late. Your persistence, determination and motivation can make the difference. Contact Us!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Legitimate, Licensed Mental Health Professionals

With so much written today about online predators, scams, identity theft, etc, it’s no wonder people are wary of purchasing anything or contacting anyone over the internet. When we developed our idea, Counseling Connections, to offer and provide online telemental health services, we were mindful that folks may not trust who they were getting involved with and in particular whether we were legitimate professionals.

In an effort to allow people to verify our professional licenses for themselves, we have provided this direct link to the Michigan Department of Community Health - Psychology license verification system. Just enter our License # and our profession as “Psychology” and this will link you directly to our individual license information.

Craig - # 6301009345
Kathlene - # 6301008741


Let us know how we can help.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Are you shy? Is your shyness interfering with your dreams, your day-to-day functioning, your relationships? Check out some facts about shyness and get ready to change this trait to improve your future.

In Dr. Steven Bressert’s article on, Facts About Shyness, he states, “Many people don’t know the basics about shyness. Some people think it’s just something people will grow out of with time. For most people, shyness is learned. But for some, shyness starts in infancy, with about 10 to 15% of newborns born “inhibited” (about as many are born “bold”), but for most shy people shyness is learned at some later time in life with as many as 40 to 60% of adults report being currently shy people.” For more about shyness, go to Facts About Shyness.

When you are ready, give us a call. We can help you overcome your shyness so that it no longer controls your life.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Living in Fear

Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
YODA, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

We all experience fear; it is a natural human emotion. Fear responses aid us in protecting us from external real or perceived threats to our well-being. Differentiating between real and imagined fear is very difficult; it is subjective to the individual. How is it some people are able to remain calm in the face of real threats and danger, i.e. home intruder, life threatening accident, imminent death? And how is it that others become extremely fearful to the point of being functionally incapacitated when confronted with public speaking, going outside their home, driving, etc?

For those who experience this level of suffering and dysfunction, we can help. Our online counseling service is provided by licensed and experienced mental health professionals; we have been helping others with fear-related situations for over 20 years. Contact us today. Why continue to suffer?

Friday, April 14, 2006


"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, REALLY loves you, then you become Real. It doesn't happen all at once. You become. It takes a long time. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

From The Velveteen Rabbit
Margery Williams

At times we struggle with feelings of worthlessness or feeling unloved. We wonder if we are unloveable, seemingly unimportant to others. We seek affirmation and validation and through others we define just how loveable we really are. If you are struggling with these feelings, we can help. Contact Us today.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Stressed Out - 7 Ways to Relieve It!

Is it that the car breaks down, the kids arguing, the school calling, the husband coming home late, multiple sporting events to get to, the 9-5 or a combination of all of these? With living brings pressures and stress. Each of us cope with these feelings in different ways. Some people might feel overwhelmed if their car breaks down while others it might take the car, the kids and the husband. As humans, we all have limits! (I know this might come as a surprise to some of you that you do not have an infinite capacity to do and care for others.) Stress is a nonspecific response of the body and emotions to any demand made upon it. At some point our usual coping skills may become overloaded.

Here are 7 Ways to Relieve Stress:

1. EXERCISE – Get out, go for a walk or a run. Soak up some Vitamin D from the sun. Go to the gym. Get moving. Carve out space at least 3 times a week to take care of your physical body.
2. PRIORITIZE – Make a list and tackle the most important responsibilities first.
3. LET GO! - Decide that what things you might be able to let go of. Maybe you don’t have to see your son practice every night and a friend can bring him back from practice.
4. BREATHE – Don’t forget to breathe. When we are feeling stressed our bodies natural reaction is to tense up and hold our breath which reduces the oxygen to the brain that provides us with our rational thinking power.
5. RELAX – Take a break. Take warm shower or bath. This can decrease the stress chemicals and relax your system.
6. ACCEPT – Acceptance of what is in the moment.
7. IDENTIFY TRIGGERS – We all have behaviors, emotions, situations, thoughts that trigger irrational or maladaptive responses. Identify what these are. For example, someone starts to blame you for something you did not do. If this triggers extreme emotions that causes stress, make note of this and what you can do differently in the future.

If you are still struggling with managing your stress and need someone to help you figure out how to maximize your potential. Contact Us! We look forward to hearing from you and partnering with you to find the balance you are seeking in your life.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Counseling Connections Guidelines

Kathlene B. LaCour MA, Ltd Licensed Psychologist
State of Michigan Masters Psychologist License # 6301008741
Craig S. Judd MA, Ltd Licensed Psychologist
State of Michigan Masters Psychologist License # 6301009345
9429 Marsh RoadPlainwell, Michigan 49080 Or 151 E. Emmett StreetBattle Creek, Michigan 49017

More and more reports and research (International Society for Mental Health Online http://www.ismho.org/ for research and data on online mental health services) have been validating the effectiveness of phone counseling, email consultations and ways, other than traditional psychotherapy, of connecting with people in a therapeutic manner. Studies have found that telemental health services break down treatment barriers , such as the stigma of seeing a mental health professional, immobilizing personal fears, transportation issues and other limitations that restrict consumer's attainment of traditional psychotherapy services.As a society evolves, advances in technology capability are making mental health services available to a larger, historically isolated population of consumers. These options have not been available to these individuals in the past. As our society and mental health services evolve, We choose to embrace the opportunities to provide online and telecounseling services. We are excited about our ability to offer increased flexibility while maintaining quality counseling services.This guide is intended to give you a roadmap about us and how to access our services as well as answer some frequently asked questions.

Is Online Services Right for You?

Online e-counseling and telecounseling are helpful for:
· People with busy schedules - It can be convenient and easy to access services.
· People who have physical disabilities.· Consumers that may lack access to regular transportation.
· Clients who are embarrassed to go to traditional psychotherapy.
· People who struggle with anxiety disorders and have difficulty going to an office.

Our E-counseling and telecounseling are provided by licensed psychotherapists and although it is not the same as traditional face-to-face psychotherapy, it is therapeutic! Research indicates that e-counseling and telecounseling works.These services are not meant to replace traditional face-to-face services. If the e-counselor determines that more traditional services would be beneficial, a referral may be recommended.

Prepare Yourself

· Verify our licensures: http://www.cis.state.mi.us/free/default.asp or call (517) 241-9427. Please make sure you have both first and last name, Psychology Department and license #.
· Kathlene B. LaCour Psychology License # 6301008741
· Craig S. Judd Psychology License # 6301009345

· When getting started with us, know what you are asking for.
. Do you need support and guidance with a one specific issue or several issues?
· Organize your thoughts and be clear about what you need.
· Would you prefer a male or female?· Have an idea about what you are hoping to achieve, what your expectations are, and how your life will be different after using these services.
· The internet can be a wonderful source of information.

Use it to prepare yourself but realize that not all the information on the web is based in sound research. Be careful of sources. National Institute for Mental Health is wonderfully informative http://www.nimh.nih.gov

· Free Online Counseling is available, complete a search for these services. This may be all that you need! There are many online services out there, again be careful. Check for competency, licensure and credentialing by the state that the therapist lives in.

Ethical Considerations

If you are already in traditional psychotherapy continue with your current treatment provider. If you are currently in treatment, we will refer you back to your treatment provider. Don’t ask us to give a second opinion over the internet.
If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance please contact your local community mental health center. They will talk with you and see that you get the help that you need. If you are having thoughts of suicide, take yourself seriously and get the help that you need. Get off the computer and call 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255.

We are professional psychotherapists who follow ethical best practice for our clients. We will be responsible in our interaction and care we provide you. We are committed to ethical and legal standards of our profession and we will uphold the same standards in e-counseling and telecounseling. We are members of the International Society of Mental Health Online.

National Board of Certified Counselors Practice Guidelines: http://www.nbcc.org/webethics2

Getting Started With US!

The initial e-consultation or telemental health consultation is FREE!

What to expect:
· We will ask you to review this document.
· We want to know more about you and your reason for contacting us.
Usually there are areas of expertise for therapist. If we do not feel we have enough training and expertise in the area, we will let you know.
· A “good match”. We will discuss what your expectations are and what you are seeking in a therapist. We may talk about personality and treatment style. It is very important to us that we are able to be helpful to you or if we are not a “good match” that we refer you to someone who might be.
· We will make every effort to determine if a patient is a minor and contact the legal guardian for consent.
· We will discuss our availability and how to contact us. Every effort will be made to respond to emails within no more than 48 hrs. If there are technology issues contact us by phone (269)929-1292.
· Confidentiality will be addressed and risks to confidentiality. Encrytion software is available. The biggest risk to confidentiality, in our experience, is the home. Take care to protect your own privacy in your home. Get separate and free email account to use for you e-counseling sessions or make sure your email is password protected.
WE will discuss how and how long session data is being preserved.
· Discuss what forms of e-therapy communication are available through Counseling Connections and what form would work best for You!

Services We Offer and Fees

Email Consultation – This is the most popular form of Online Counseling. You may purchase a Single or group of consultations for Adults.
One Consultation - $39.95
Group of Three Consultations - $ 107.95 (10% savings)

Online Chat – Real time interactive conversation and communication through a text message window on your computer. We offer this service for adults. These need to be scheduled after the initial consultation, being aware of time zones.

Online Chat – 20 minutes $24.95
Online Chat – 40 minutes $49.90
Online Chat – 60 minutes $69.95

Telephone Consultation - Scheduled time blocks for adults, again being aware of time zones.
Telephone Consultation - 20 minutes $24.95
Telephone Consultation - 40 minutes $49.90
Telephone Consultation - 60 minutes $69.95
Group of Three – 60 minutes $ 199.95

Initial Consultation with Us is FREE!
Email interface_consultation@comcast.net
Blogsite: www.counselingconnections.blogspot.com
Phone: (269) 929-1292

Payment Options

PayPal Secured Site Payment
Use MasterCard or Visa or a Debit Card with MasterCard or Visa Logo.This is the quickest, easiest and most secure way to start services with us. Services must be prepaid. You can find Payment Buttons on our site www.counselingconnections.blogspot.com

If you are anxious about fraud the best way to pay for services is to use a credit card. Anything over $50.00 in fraud charges you are not responsible for. Read the fine print on your credit card agreement or call your Credit Card Company.

Writing a CheckSend to our business addresses:

Counseling Connections
9429 Marsh Rd Plainwell, Mi 49080
151 Emmett St. Battle Creek, Mi 49017

Let us know how to contact you when your check clears so that we can help you get back on track. Of course this process will take longer but we are willing to work with you if this is the option that you choose.


Some insurance companies are reimbursing for these services but most are not at thiss time.

Flexible Spending Account:

Check with your account administrator you may be able to set aside money tax- free for the medical expense.You can turn in receipts to these programs for medical expenses that are not reimbursed by your health insurance such as over the counter medication, vision or dental treatments not covered and dependent care expenses.

Welcome to Counseling Connections!
We look forward to working with you.
We are so glad that you have decided to take the first step to make the changes that you are seeking in your life.
Don’t hesitate to call or email us!
We are caring and compassionate professionals who want to see you on your way to a happier and healthier YOU.

Monday, April 10, 2006

What are you waiting for?

Your income tax return? Are you waiting until your children get out of school? Are you waiting until your husband or wife gets home? Are you waiting until you pay off your home mortgage? Until you retire? Until your vacation?

The time is now to follow your dreams. Today is the Day to seek who you truly are. Get motivated! No one can do it for you, but we can help. Need someone to get you motivated, give you that little nudge to seek your potential - Contact Us for a FREE consultation.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Everyone is always trying to cram so much into their schedules. I say fight back, take a stand, and take a nap!

-Thanks, Kenn for your thoughts - Learning about Life has It's Pitfalls

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

They Come and They Stay

Partnerships take on various forms. There are marriage partners, significant other partners, and partners in crime, business partners and partners of other sorts. True, healthy partnerships do not occur by chance or by coincidence; they are grown; the foundation of a partnership needs to be tended to with sensitivity, respect, nurturance, attention, mindfulness and an overall desire to have the partnership endure. Some partnerships come and many go; they are transient, fleeting, often based on superficial and short-lived objectives or agendas; they are not “in it for the long haul” this may be the nature of the partnership.

I am very fortunate to have experienced and benefited from the enduring partnership-type, both at home and in business. That is not to say the benefits have nothing to do with personal efforts to maintain and grow the relationships. But, without a doubt, having these experiences at both home and business has tremendous personal and professional advantages.

What does it take to foster these healthy partnerships?

Patience, acceptance, respect, regard, listening, disclosing, motivation to make it work regardless of external pressures or distractions, sensitivity without being oversensitive, self-expression without fear of feedback, honesty without being negative, unselfish yet having balanced expectations, strength-focused while being realistic…and more and more and less and less……….mostly the desire to make it work.

So they come and they go. Others come and they stay. Make it work if you can! Give it your best shot. We can help.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Inner Child Online?

More and more practitioners and clients are seeking treatment for what ails them online. Physicians and medical staff on bringing services online and psychotherapist are bringing services online as we are.

Healing the Inner Child Online written by Elizabeth Zelvin describes how effective online therapy can be for people who have experience abuse, neglect, alcoholism and more in their family of origin. These experiences lead to struggles interacting in relationships and maladaptive coping skills. We and Elizabeth are here to help you integrate and heal the Inner Child. It is not easy but it’s worth the effort to heal! Contact Us!