About Us

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Passages Behavioral Health Services was founded out of need to service mentally ill, co-occurring, correctional clients seeking a second chance. Our 40 years of clinical experience has prepared us to do this work which includes providing case management, Community Living Suppports (CLS), clinical assessment, treatment planning and more. Passages Behavioral Health also manages re-entry housing for this population know as the Passages House. We provide a service that not only bridges folks to another chance but helps maintain their progress in the community.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Fearlessness is the the mastery of our fears and not the absence of fear. We can still experience fears but fearlessness allows us to accept, embrace and move thorough our fears. We can let situations in our lives harden our hearts to the point of resentment, shame and avoidance of others or we can allow them to soften us, increase our compassion and understanding. We can be a more open and loving human being because of our fearful experience. We have a choice!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Dalai Lama Speaks of Stress and Compassion

The Dalai Lama replied that early stress in life from poverty or abuse leads to negative emotions such as fear, jealousy and anger which turn into violence. Compassion and acceptance are keys to overcoming these obstacles. The compassion and total acceptance of a mother's love for her child is what brings us to heal from pain.

Dalai Lama, who spoke about how to cultivate happiness. "I feel for a successful and happy life much of it depends on our mental outlook," he said, as he sat cross-legged on a couch onstage. "The money, power or even health, I think is secondary. If mental state is calm, at peace, then you really enjoy your life."

Monday, September 18, 2006


Rather than tell people what to think, Socrates urged them to think for themselves. Why? Unless you can discover for yourself that something is true, unless you have a moment of insight, an, “Aha, now I see!” experience, you will not deeply understand an issue.
-- Judith Barad
Let us know how we can help with your discovery……

Friday, September 15, 2006


My partner is traveling this week; providing seminars in Minnesota. Running a mental health consultation business is rewarding in so many ways, especially when working together with a partner you respect, trust and appreciate. Although business goes on as usual while my partner is gone, the work is much more enjoyable and rewarding when we are collaborating on a daily basis, processing issues and concerns regarding our business, sharing frustrations and highlights and creating new ideas for our business future.

Our relationship is no different than other important and positive relationships that we all seek to create and maintain. These relationships are special in that they offer us feelings of belonging, affirmation, opportunity for personal growth and a sense of unity toward a common goal. Relationships are one key to a healthy and fulfilling life. Nurture and value these special relationships. Stop today and think about your relationships and how important they really are. Let your partner know how you feel.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Take Care of Yourself. Take a Nap!

Taking care of yourself means taking naps when our body and biological clock says you are tired. Research shows that taking a nap does not disrupt your evening sleep and actually can improve afternoon performance.

It's easy for many of us to ignore and neglect our own needs becuase we are "too busy" with work and family responsibilities. We "must" be available at all times to deal with problems that might arise. This is the old mantra about taking care of yourself. "If you don't take care of yourself, how can you take care of others?"

Enjoy your 15 minute nap! You will be more productive and feel much better.

Contact us for more ideas on how to be a healthier you.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kids Who Witness Abuse at Home May Bully Others

Children who witness abusive behavior in the home are more likely to bully other children, and are at greater risk of depression and anxiety. A number of studies have shown that children exposed to domestic violence are at increased risk of behavior problems, but there has been little specific research on bullying. Bullying mirrors abusive relationships between adults, in that it involves recurrent aggression by a more powerful person over a less powerful one, with the intent to harm.

In a recent study, from the University of Washington in Seattle, researchers looked at the relationship between exposure to intimate partner violence and bullying involvement in 112 children aged 6 to 13. Half of their parents reported perpetrating verbal, physical or sexual violence against an intimate partner, or experiencing this type of violence, at least once in the past five years.

About one third of the children said they bullied other children in the past year, with girls more likely to bully others than boys. Nearly three quarters of the children said they had been victims of bullying by others and they were more likely to be physically aggressive to other children, and were more likely to report symptoms of anxiety or depression.

If you or your children have been victims of intimate partner violence, be watchful of signs that your children may be suffering ill-effects of those experiences.

Help is available……

Pediatrics, August 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

Univeral Message

Be gentle
Your connection to the universe cannot be broken you are forever bonded
Things will change like the wind - they will change
Your grey hairs from love, life and relationships will bring you wisdom you can share
There is space for EVERYTHING in the universe
The universe will take care of you no matter what but you must seek it, humble yourself and ask for it
-The Universe