About Us
- Kathlene B. LaCour and Craig S. Judd
- Passages Behavioral Health Services was founded out of need to service mentally ill, co-occurring, correctional clients seeking a second chance. Our 40 years of clinical experience has prepared us to do this work which includes providing case management, Community Living Suppports (CLS), clinical assessment, treatment planning and more. Passages Behavioral Health also manages re-entry housing for this population know as the Passages House. We provide a service that not only bridges folks to another chance but helps maintain their progress in the community.
Monday, January 30, 2006
It Happens
Another term for a person’s ability to manage or handle life’s stress and struggle is resiliency. View How Well Do You Bounce Back and complete the brief resiliency screening checklist; this may provide you some feedback about your coping strengths as well as areas where your resiliency abilities can improve.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Talk Not Always Cheap
Self-talk is the internal thoughts that all individuals experience everyday of our lives. Self-talk can be equally positive as it can be self-destructive. When we stop and reflect on the types of self messages we replay in our minds, we often find patterns and themes about how we perceive ourselves, view others and about our opinions of the world around us. Our perceptions and the meanings we attach to current and past events, people, our values and ourselves are all powerfully shaped and reinforced by our self-talk. Personal efforts to promote positive self-talk will produce a more self-satisfying outcome. Cognitive Behavioral therapists assist people with identifying, analyzing and modifying these automatic thoughts. This form of therapy has proven to produce effective changes in personal attitudes, feelings and actions. So talk is not always cheap, in the case of self-improvement it can be one of our most value tools. Learn more by reading, Thinking Positively
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Free Consultation
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
What a Parent of a Teenager Needs...
Parents are often so very focused on parenting that they forget to care for themselves. You are not alone in this struggle with your teen. Generally, this is a natural process of human development. How can you as a parent flourish during these tumultuous times? Stay connected to your teen and other parents of teens or parents who have parented teens in the past. They have much wisdom to share. Read information from credible sources about this developmental stage and parenting. DON’T take their anger, insults, etc personally. Their pushing may feel terrible and your first reaction may be to want to push back. Stand still in unconditional acceptance. DON"T hesitate to get the support that YOU need. We can help. Contact Us.
Monday, January 23, 2006
About Three Quarters of Health Care Spending...
What can we do? As individuals it seems like we have little control over these bigger systems. We can make changes in our lifestyles. We can educate ourselves on prevention and taking care of ourselves. We can stay healthy, eat right, exercise our bodies and our minds, learn stress coping skills, and stress reduction skills. There will be less need for health care systems in your life.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
One Man's Medicine is another Man's Poison
On the other hand, when medications such as these are inappropriately used, taken to achieve the true amphetamine response, it can become dangerous and contribute to a more habitual pattern of substance abuse. View this recent article with regard to Adderall in particular and the phenomenon occurring on some college campuses. Prescription for Abuse
Friday, January 13, 2006
Feeding the Predator with Negative Thought Patterns
What is a predator? "An organism that lives by preying on other organisms."
This entity has a mind of it's own to feed and devour as much energy and attack the host carrier. These negative thought processes of self-hatred, guilt, weakness, anxiety, separateness and fears are eating you alive so to speak. Starving the Predator of the mind will give you back the power and energy to serve your highest purpose.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Traits Increase Depression for Women
With more specific attention to gender and depression, recent findings from a University of Michigan study on gender differences and depression indicates that when men and women are compared, women experience depression more than men. Trapped in Reflection
A healthy response to depression can be consulting with a mental health counselor to assess the severity of your depression and offer ideas for improving your coping.
Counseling Connections Guidelines
State of Michigan Masters Psychologist License # 6301008741
Craig S. Judd MA, Ltd Licensed Psychologist
State of Michigan Masters Psychologist License # 6301009345
9429 Marsh Road
Plainwell, Michigan 49080
151 E. Emmett Street
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017
Email: Interface_consultation@comcast.net
More and more reports and research (International Society for Mental Health Online http://www.ismho.org/ for research and data on online mental health services) have been validating the effectiveness of phone counseling, email consultations and ways, other than traditional psychotherapy, of connecting with people in a therapeutic manner. Studies have found that telemental health services break down treatment barriers , such as the stigma of seeing a mental health professional, immobilizing personal fears, transportation issues and other limitations that restrict consumer's attainment of traditional psychotherapy services.
This guide is intended to give you a roadmap about us and how to access our services as well as answer some frequently asked questions.
Is Online Services Right for You?
Online e-counseling and telecounseling are helpful for:
· People with busy schedules - It can be convenient and easy to access services.
· People who have physical disabilities.
· Consumers that may lack access to regular transportation.
· Clients who are embarrassed to go to traditional psychotherapy.
· People who struggle with anxiety disorders and have difficulty going to an office.
Our E-counseling and telecounseling are provided by licensed psychotherapists and although it is not the same as traditional face-to-face psychotherapy, it is therapeutic! Research indicates that e-counseling and telecounseling works.
These services are not meant to replace traditional face-to-face services. If the e-counselor determines that more traditional services would be beneficial, a referral may be recommended.
Prepare Yourself
· Verify our licensures: http://www.cis.state.mi.us/free/default.asp or call (517) 241-9427. Please make sure you have both first and last name, Psychology Department and license #.
· Kathlene B. LaCour Psychology License # 6301008741
· Craig S. Judd Psychology License # 6301009345
· When getting started with us, know what you are asking for. Do you need support and guidance with a one specific issue or several issues?
· Organize your thoughts and be clear about what you need.
· Would you prefer a male or female?
· Have an idea about what you are hoping to achieve, what your expectations are, and how your life will be different after using these services.
· The internet can be a wonderful source of information. Use it to prepare yourself but realize that not all the information on the web is based in sound research. Be careful of sources. National Institute for Mental Health is wonderfully informative http://www.nimh.nih.gov
· Free Online Counseling is available, complete a search for these services. This may be all that you need! There are many online services out there, again be careful. Check for competency, licensure and credentialing by the state that the therapist lives in.
Ethical Considerations
If you are already in traditional psychotherapy continue with your current treatment provider. If you are currently in treatment, we will refer you back to your treatment provider. Don’t ask us to give a second opinion over the internet.
If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance please contact your local community mental health center. They will talk with you and see that you get the help that you need. If you are having thoughts of suicide, take yourself seriously and get the help that you need. Get off the computer and call 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255.
We are professional psychotherapists who follow ethical best practice for our clients. We will be responsible in our interaction and care we provide you. We are committed to ethical and legal standards of our profession and we will uphold the same standards in e-counseling and telecounseling.
National Board of Certified Counselors Practice Guidelines: http://www.nbcc.org/webethics2
Getting Started With US!
The initial e-consultation or telemental health consultation is FREE!
What to expect:
· We will ask you to review this document.
· We want to know more about you and your reason for contacting us. Usually there are areas of expertise for therapist. If we do not feel we have enough training and expertise in the area, we will let you know.
· A “good match”. We will discuss what your expectations are and what you are seeking in a therapist. We may talk about personality and treatment style. It is very important to us that we are able to be helpful to you or if we are not a “good match” that we refer you to someone who might be.
· We will make every effort to determine if a patient is a minor and contact the legal guardian for consent.
· We will discuss our availability and how to contact us. Every effort will be made to respond to emails within no more than 48 hrs. If there are technology issues contact us by phone (269)929-1292.
· Confidentiality will be addressed and risks to confidentiality. Encrytion software is available. The biggest risk to confidentiality, in our experience, is the home. Take care to protect your own privacy in your home. Get separate and free email account to use for you e-counseling sessions or make sure your email is password protected.
· WE will discuss how and how long session data is being preserved.
· Discuss what forms of e-therapy communication are available through Counseling Connections and what form would work best for You!
Services We Offer and Fees
Email Consultation – This is the most popular form of Online Counseling. You may purchase a Single or group of consultations for Adults.
One Consultation - $39.95
Group of Three Consultations - $ 107.95 (10% savings)
Online Chat – Real time interactive conversation and communication through a text message window on your computer. We offer this service for adults. These need to be scheduled after the initial consultation, being aware of time zones.
Online Chat – 20 minutes $24.95
Online Chat – 40 minutes $49.90
Online Chat – 60 minutes $69.95
Telephone Consultation Scheduled time blocks for adults, again being aware of time zones.
Telephone Consultation - 20 minutes $24.95
Telephone Consultation - 40 minutes $49.90
Telephone Consultation - 60 minutes $69.95
Group of Three – 60 minutes $ 199.95
Chat Consultation - Scheduled time blocks for adults, again being aware of time zones.
Chat Consultation - 20 minutes $24.95
Chat Consultation - 40 minutes $49.90
Chat Consultation - 60 minutes $69.95
Group of Three – 60 minutes $ 199.95
Initial Consultation with Us is FREE!
Blogsite: www.counselingconnections.blogspot.com
Phone: (269) 929-1292
Payment Options
PayPal Secured Site Payment
Use MasterCard or Visa or a Debit Card with MasterCard or Visa Logo.
This is the quickest, easiest and most secure way to start services with us. Services must be prepaid. You can find Payment Buttons on our site www.counselingconnections.blogspot.com
If you are anxious about fraud the best way to pay for services is to use a credit card. Anything over $50.00 in fraud charges you are not responsible for. Read the fine print on your credit card agreement or call your Credit Card Company.
Writing a Check
Send to our business addresses:
Counseling Connections
9429 Marsh Rd Plainwell, Mi 49080 or
151 Emmett St. Battle Creek, Mi 49017
Let us know how to contact you when your check clears so that we can help you get back on track. Of course this process will take longer but we are willing to work with you if this is the option that you choose.
Insurance companies are not yet reimbursing for this service at this time.
Flexible Spending Account
Check with your account administrator you may be able to set aside money tax- free for the medical expense.
You can turn in receipts to these programs for medical expenses that are not reimbursed by your health insurance such as over the counter medication, vision or dental treatments not covered and dependent care expenses.
Welcome to Counseling Connections!
We look forward to working with you. We are so glad that you have decided to take the first step to make the changes that you are seeking in your life. Don’t hesitate to call or email us!
We are caring and compassionate professionals who want to see you on your way to a happier and healthier YOU.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Promoting Healthy Teenage Lifestyles
Monday, January 02, 2006
The Counseling Connection
Some individuals have the idea that counseling is too personal, too intrusive and therefore too scary. Many are reluctant to seek counseling help due to this misconception or fear. These attitudes toward counseling and participating in a professional relationship are long hold-overs from antiquated stereotypes about “shrinks”, needing to ‘fix’ someone, regressing a person to their childhood or uncovering some deep, dark painful secrets.
We understand people’s discomfort with revealing themselves to another individual, feeling vulnerable and worrying how they may be viewed. Our approach to counseling is much more like Carl Rogers puts it, “provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth”. Our intention is to promote health and growth and we ‘get it’, that this can only happen in an environment that fosters safety, consistency, patience and trust.
We look forward to working with individuals that see this relationship as we do.